How We Differ
One of the most divisive issues in the Catholic church is that of the hierarchy. In this day and age, it is time to stop marginalizing all people who are not males. RCWP is a movement for this kind of equality.
The Catholic church is perpetuating discrimination against all women who are not allowed to consider the call to priesthood. Who are the men to say we are not called? This absurd claim is based on a belief that they are ontologically “changed” at priesthood.
Unfortunately, this had led male priests to believe that they are “better” than others. The hierarchy of priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, and popes only serves to reinforce this love of power, hidden beneath a veil of spiritual superiority.
As womenpriests, we use a flat structure to enable all to have an equal voice, much as the early Christian communities did. When we are ordained, we are consecrated to God, not to a bishop (as male priests are). It’s a clear difference that we take very seriously.
We do not believe in celibacy since it was introduced to enable the hierarchy to protect their financial assets. (In 1123 AD) Wives and children were dismissed to a life of poverty and suffering. This has nothing to do with spiritual holiness and has caused sexual dysfunction to permeate the Church.
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