Our History
History of the RCWP Midwest Region
The first regions of RCWP were created on January 1, 2007
The Midwest region was formed along with the East, West, South, and Central groups.
Prior to this time, the first ordinations of priests and bishops had occurred in Europe, Canada, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Regina Nicolosi from Red Wing, Minnesota was ordained in 2006 in Europe. She became the first coordinator of the Midwest Region.
As of 2023, the region includes the following states: Indiana, Iowa, Michigan Upper Peninsula, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. In November of 2007, some of the priests in the Midwest Region created the Great Waters Region and began serving out their ministry in this new geographic area.
The planning and celebration of ordinations is an opportunity to bring the members of the Midwest region together to celebrate and enjoy being in the same place together.
Since the formation of the region, there have been twenty-seven priestly and three episcopal ordinations.
The RCWP-USA Constitution was revised in 2023 and serves as the foundation for all decision making in the organization. Throughout our history, members in the region have served in a variety of leadership positions that adhere to Constitution guidelines. The region has a representative on the National Leadership Circle which includes these governance circles: Vision Keepers Circle, Program Coordinators Circle, Bishops Circle, Compassion Circle and the Board of Directors Circle.
On the regional level there are leadership positions that insure the functioning of the group. The day-to day operations and communication happen in part through monthly conference calls. These calls are a real touchstone that promote regional unity. Zoom has been a gift enabling us to see one another across the miles. Committees are formed as needed to accomplish certain activities.
We have been fortunate to have yearly regional retreats. Each of these has been planned by a committee. Many of these retreats have been held at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Middleton, Wisconsin. This time together is always a welcome opportunity to recharge and grow personally and together as a region. Rich and challenging retreat themes have included: Awakening the Mystic and Prophet Within, Introduction to Teilhard de Chardin’s Evolutionary and Cosmic Theology, and Healing Ourselves, Body, Mind and Soul. Our 2023 theme will be Ecospirituality: Contemplation and Creation. Ordinations have often taken place at this annual event.
Members of the region continue to refine and expand their ministries of teaching, preaching, and pastoral care with the underpinning of social justice.
The basic goal of these efforts is to live out the vision of “a new model of ordained ministry in the Roman Catholic Church.”
A few examples of these ministries include:
- Pastoring church communities
- Adjusting to the challenges of the Covid pandemic encouraged the creation of on-line liturgies and sacramental adaptations with the goal of finding new ways of being church.
- Representing groups that support women’s ordination in national and local groups
- Presenting on panels discussing Catholic women priests
- Participating in ecumenical events
- Supporting and participating in Pride events
- Participating in the national Councils of 2017 and 2020 with broad member attendance
- Offering worship services to the elderly
- Participating in prison ministry
- Tithing to social justice causes by faith communities
- Offering Eucharist services to the home bound
- Offering spiritual direction
- Supporting and participating in social justice groups and events for LGBTQI, racial equality, immigration equity
The Midwest region members strive to live out and live into renewed priestly ministry every day.
Despite challenges that we face on a national and regional level, we have a deep sense of internal cooperation and collegiality fostered by good communication.
We listen to the wisdom of one another and celebrate each of our individual gifts. Strong mutual support is shown for one another in our ministries and in our lives. We keep a clear awareness of current day social justice issues, especially those regarding women and other marginalized groups. We have strong motivation to honor our vocations as called by the Holy Spirit.

Contact RCWP Midwest
We are happy to answer your questions, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.